Hitler's Mountain: Hidden Traces (2016,720p HD Documentary)

1 year ago

The Obersalzberg was an ordinary Bavarian mountain until Adolf Hitler discovered it in 1923. There at the Berghof, the Nazi leader spent his time surrounded by his most faithful lieutenants and his mistress, Eva Braun. Though mostly destroyed, remnants of the vast building complex still exist.

Alex4History's supplementary notes:
Featuring: Geoffrey R. Walden (Historical Writer)
Lioba Schmitt-Imkamp (Expert on buildings of the 3rd Reich)
Timothy Ryback (Writer and Historian)
Albert A. Feiber (Deputy Director of the Obersatzberg Information Center)
Guilhem Touratier (Assistant collections scientist -General Leclerc Museum)

-- This is shared without profit for educational and historical purposes ---

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