The Man who owned 10% of APPLE (What Happened!)

1 year ago

Ronald Wayne, the American entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Computer Inc., is best known for selling his 10% share in the company for a mere $800 in 1976, just 12 days after its founding.

Jobs and Wozniak, who were working on building a personal computer, invited Wayne to join them and provide guidance on the business side of the project.

Wayne designed the company's first logo and wrote the manual for the Apple 1 computer. However, he became increasingly anxious about the possibility of the business incurring debts that he would be personally liable for. Unlike Jobs and Wozniak, who were young and financially unstable, Wayne had assets, including a house, and was worried that he would be burdened with the financial responsibility if the deal went sour.

Wayne's decision to sell his share is considered to be one of the biggest mistakes in the history of Silicon Valley. If he had held onto his share, it would have been worth over 100 billion dollars today.

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