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EFT TAPPING #efttapping

1 year ago

⚡️Fight, flight or freeze is our response to what triggers us emotionally. But instead of feeding that emotion or starving it, feel it!!!

⚡️Feel it to innerstand it, then create habits by tapping into your energy to transmute the energy into LOVE

E - motional

F- reedom

T- echique

⚡️Tapping to release the what no longer serve you. ⚡️Tune in everyday Sunday @8am PT for a 30 minute ETF Guided Tapping Meditation with me on the @1theplatform ⚡️

Stay Rich

#efttapping #eftpractitioner #holistichealth #energyhealing #energywork #healingtrauma #meditation #guidedmeditation #chakrahealing #starseed #alignment #fyp