Best bonds to invest in 2023

1 year ago

This is an interview with Helge Müller, the Chief Investment Officer of Geneve Invest, a Swiss asset management company based in Geneva. He is an expert in investing in bonds. He makes the best portfolios with corporate bonds.
Based on a well-structured bond portfolio, he achieved excellent results between 8% and 12% for our clients.

He takes between 50 and 200 corporate bonds to ensure proper diversification. He is doing his homework with field research. He is visiting the companies issuing bonds. He intentionally is not relying on ratings given by rating agencies. He likes corporate bonds of companies without a rating at all.

He goes deep into the books of the companies issuing bonds. I know that his strategies are successful. I never lost a single client with Helge. That's the best evidence that he is taking his homework seriously. You will learn how to invest in bonds. The market must be monitored constantly. A very strong diversification is vital. Let's assume you have 50 corporate bonds. If one company goes bust, you lose 2% only.

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