EYE OF THE PHOENIX - Secrets of the Dollar Bill - Documentary 2009

1 year ago

1.) The two Seals are Egyptian and Luciferian

2) The two Seals were introduced by Freemasons, in 1782

3) Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt, aided by his Secretary of Agriculture/ Vice President Wallace, ordered these Seals to be placed on the back of the Dollar Bill in 1935, having been urged on and advised by the Russian channeler/mystic, Nicolas Roerach.

4) Americans had no idea that the Roosevelt Administration was as controlled by mystic, Black Magick forces, as it was. Had they known the degree to which Roosevelt was controlled by Black Magick forces, he would have been forced out of office immediately.

5) Former Satanist, Doc Marquis, reveals that, while in the Illuminati, he was taught that the two Seals are NOT official seals of the United States, but of the Global Illuminati!

6) Doc Marquis also reveals that these two Seals hide three (3) hexagrams plus a hidden message about Freemasonry. These hexagrams form a '666'

7) We correctly link the symbolism of the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer hovering over the unfinished pyramid on the back of the Dollar Bill to the coming prophesied Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem! The Masons have been steadfastly determined since 1782 to seize control of the Temple Mount so they could resurrect Solomon's Temple for use by their Masonic Christ.


"This video will demonstrate that the history of America's government, and of its official symbols, is a history of secret societies. Examine America's much-talked-about dollar bill and the symbols it bears.

Modern masonry claims that the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid is not a Masonic symbol. But what did Freemason's President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and his Masonic Vice President, Henry Wallace, believe when they attached this symbol to our currency in 1935?

How were these American leaders influenced by the Russian mystic, Nicholas Roerich?

Does the all-seeing eye represent the Masonic Christ?

Was the eagle originally a phoenix bird? And what do all these occult symbols mean?

Follow the journey of the Secret Mysteries series as we unveil their influence through the 20th century.

Many believe that the real purpose of the many "Wars and Rumors of Wars" has been to establish a commonwealth of nations to rule the whole world.

With the North American Union on the rise, is America the victim of deception?

Or is she THE instrument of Global Government?"

Please DONATE or BUY DVD at: http://www.antiquitiesresearch.com

Other links: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_masonsknightstemplar10.htm

Source: https://archive.org/details/Lapis

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