Let's Make This Very Clear - We Choose Life: Attention of the High Courts Required By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Let's Make This Very Clear -- We Choose Life: Attention of the High Courts Required Thursday, August 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Chief LaVern Fast Horse may have chosen death for the Native Tribes of this country and traded the labor bonds of his people away for gold, but we have not agreed to any such deal.
Our people are owed their lives and land and time and their freedom and nobody has any right to trade any of those rights away in their names. Nobody. Ever.
I am the Fiduciary for this country and I didn't authorize any trade of blood for money.
Those who have executed this agreement have done so only for themselves and those who have agreed to be represented by them.
We maintain our independence and our unalienable rights including our right to life and freedom unfettered by any foreign administration whatsoever.
We are disappointed by these actions and we are appalled to find that the exhortation to "Choose life!" was ignored; we grieve for our brethren who stand to be harmed by this foolishness, and we regret that Satan has been given a foot back in the door.
But we are resolved that this will not pass unchallenged and unrebutted, and we are determined that all claims against our time on earth are hereby extinguished once and forevermore.
Not a hair on our heads can be harmed and we are holding the door open for all those who have the good sense and courage to choose life, first, last, and always.
Chief Fast Horse assures us that the labor bonds have been destroyed, but he didn't oversee their destruction and did not witness them being burned or otherwise rendered destroyed. He believes that because they were paid for with gold that they are no longer active and viable, but he has been deceived.
He has unwittingly allowed these evils to continue, at least for his people. Not for ours.
We continue to claim the right to possess and settle those bonds attached to Americans, other than those few that Chief Fast Horse represents, so that those bonds can never be used to enslave anyone or promote any benefit of enslavement again.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/08/lets-make-this-very-clear-we-choose.html

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NOTE from Ed:
Trust only the information and
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Thank you. ~ Ed

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