2 years ago

This is a little intro of what you can expect to see on this channel. We do lots of Coin Roll Hunting, Currency Hunting, Silver Stacking, Metal Detecting and Magnet Fishing.
If any of that interests you we would greatly appreciate a follow.
Check us out on other platforms:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/bottletopbandit

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BottleTopBandit

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bottletopbandit/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bottletopbandit

Check out our website for more treasure hunting content : https://www.bottletopbandit.com/

What to look for Currency Hunting : https://www.bottletopbandit.com/currency-hunting

What to look for Coin Roll Hunting : https://www.bottletopbandit.com/coin-roll-hunting

Want to know how much silver is in your coins check out our silver stacking page: https://www.bottletopbandit.com/silver-stacking

Affiliate Links:

StreamYard $10 Credit:

Test your silver by ear with a Pocket Ping Tester Get yours here: https://coinpingtest.com/referral/qQ1MbVIR/GjWA6ohvgqPoC7qb

Sticker Mule: $10 off order


Inked Gaming Playmats:

Custom Stickers: 50 Stickers for $19 Dollars: https://customstickers.com/products/50-custom-die-cut-stickers-3-inch?sca_ref=2817363.KlzmpLR2jl

If you would like to do sticker trade or if you would just like a sticker send a letter to our P.O box and we will send a sticker back to you.

You can send letter to:

Bottle Top Bandit
PO Box 506
Fergus Falls, MN 56538

#CoinRollHunting #CurrencyHunting #SilverStacking #MetalDetecting #MagnetFishing #BottleTopBandit

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