SoulCast Special - The Money System - A Satanic Construct

1 year ago

The Money System: A Satanic Construct

Today I share a story about how Spirit told me that our financial system is a satanic construct which is meant to steal, manipulate and oppress us. This system is our of integrity and Spirit is bringing it down and replacing it with a benevolent system that levels the playing field for everyone financially. This new system will be backed by precious metals and other assets.

In order for you to more easily transition from this collapse of the old system, Jen suggest that you stock up on food, clean water, medications, for you and your pet. Have a stash of cash and to buy some silver and/or gold. Also, for those that are in the stock market have IRA and 401K consider roll it over into a Gold or Silver or 401K. I recommend: recommended by Phil Godlewski.

Now is a time to Trust that God is the source of your supply. Practice the spiritual Law of Attraction by asking in prayer for what you need. Tell Him about your concerns and asking Him to bring and/or guide you.

Crystals that can help support you energetically are Carnelian, Obsidian, Aventurine, Malachite, Amethyst.

If you want some coaching and guidance during these challenging times, please email me at and we can set up an appointment. Let me know you saw the video and get at 20% discount on your coaching appointment.

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• Love and Gratitude jar at Venmo @Soululaire-1

Have a great week.
Love and Blessings,

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