Reposting about neurotoxins and farming. Thursday, August 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Reposting about neurotoxins and farming. Thursday, August 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I am reposting this for everyone's edification and consideration.
It is a fact that polio mimics the exact same symptoms as agricultural chemicals that are neurotoxins used as pesticides, especially in fruit orchards, during and for a decade after the Second World War. It is also a fact that the water soluble neurotoxins collected in rain water and run off from farm fields and entered the public waterways and lakes. It is also a fact that the States with the highest incidence of polio also had the highest incidence of use of these neurotoxic pesticides.
It is also a fact that these neurotoxins were eventually outlawed and replaced by less poisonous compounds beginning in the late 1950's. And there was an immediate decrease in the incidence of polio in the same states which were most prone to it.
This vast bulk of correlation and coincidence gives rise to the question --- was polio a viral disease overcome by vaccination and immune system manipulation, or did the disease simply disappear with the disuse of the neurotoxic pesticides?
Were we all the victims of a vast "scientific" hoax designed to protect the guilty agro-chemical companies and the oil industry colleagues that made money off those pesticides? And who avoided accountability for the damage done, by palming it off onto a virus?
Are we seeing a replay of something similar now?

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