Help those in need not those who can help you (Take a lower seat Luke 14:7-14)

1 year ago

Help those in need not those who can help you (Take a lower seat Luke 14:7-14)
“Quid pro quo”, “This for that” it is what make our world go around. If someone does you a favor, it is not because they are gracious it is because they expect you to do the same for them in the future. They scratched your back now you better believe that a day will come when they expect you to scratch their back for them. People want to hold things over you as if their favors is a line of credit for them to draw from at will in the future. What ever happened to helping someone simply because it is the right thing to do or doing someone a favor without expecting something in return. I remember as a child we were raised that you gave a helping hand wherever it was needed, and you better never accept a gift for doing the right thing. You did the right thing out of love for your fellow man not because you expected a return on your investment. Jesus closes this parable by saying that we should all seek to help those who we know have absolutely no way of ever repaying us. (Luke 14:14) He said that true blessings will come to those in the resurrection who sought to lovingly care for those who could not care for themselves much less repay you for helping them out of a pinch.
James 1:27 says that pure and undefiled religion is caring for the widows and orphans of this world or in other words, those who cannot care for themselves. Jesus came to this earth to serve His creation who did not deserve to be served much less did we deserve to be redeemed by His blood. Romans 5:8 says that God showed His love towards us by sending Jesus to die for those who were living in sinful rebellion again Him. Jesus did not die for us so that we could repay Him for it later. Jesus died for us simply because He loved us and wanted to make a way for us to escape the judgment to come. This same love is what should drive us to care for those around us who are struggling with life and those who seem to be in over their head. We do not do it so others will see us and boast on our efforts, and we do not do it because we want them to be indebted to us, we do it because we love them. We do it because we know what Jesus did for us and how undeserving we was of His mercy; therefore, we have no problem extending mercy to those around us even if it means we may have to do with out or with less. “Quid pro quo” does not exist in the Kingdom of God, we do not keep score or hold things over other’s head. We show love and compassion to those in need because we know it has been shown to us by God above.

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