How does Forgiveness of Sins really work ?... Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts revealed thru Jakob Lorber

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Heavenly Gifts… Jesus reveals thru Jacob Lorber on March 28th, 1843

Jesus elucidates the Forgiveness of Sins by Priests and how Forgiveness of Sins truly works

1. So you want to give something to the eldest daughter of A. H.-W. from Me, for her birthday? – Yes, I want to give her something too, if she truly would want something. But she doesn’t really trust us. Instead, she still holds ever so tightly onto the “walls of Rome”. For that reason it a bit difficult to give her something, that she will truly appreciate and be joyful about in a living manner.

2. But for her to see what the ‘wall of Rome’ is all about, I want to draw her attention to the mightiest strongpoint, upon which Rome is based. It is in Matthew, chapter 18 verse 18, equivalent in sound and meaning to John, chapter 20 verse 23.

3. But that this strongpoint is completely false, this is written ever so clearly in the entire 18th chapter of Matthew, especially from verse 14 to 35, and even more clearly in the “Our Father”, for there it says… “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” – and it doesn’t say… “Forgive us our debts, as the priests forgive us for them!”

4. Thus, the roman strongpoint, written in Matthew, chapter 18 verse 18, does not signify the priestly power to forgive sins, but the duty of mutual human and brotherly love, that one person should forgive another all their iniquities.

5. If all men forgive each other everything, then I will forgive them everything as well. But if they continue to mutually retain their iniquities among themselves, then I will retain them as well!

6. This is the correct meaning of this immensely misunderstood and equally strong misused Scripture text, and there is no other valid meaning for Me! – Whoever will live according to this meaning will come to Me; but whoever does not, will remain outside, even if they would be equipped with a thousand forgiveness of sins by priests.

7. M. H. should consider these things as well. In this way, she will soon realize that I can forgive sins without scapular and brevets. Amen.

The Great Gospel of John, Volume 6 – Chapter 19
The purification from sin

19,1. Says one citizen: “0 Lord, all this would be quite all right if only we had never sinned in our whole life. The sins are now tormenting us in our hearts as we are before You, Who looks through our heart and kidneys and is holy throughout, whereas we are exactly the opposite. Therefore, we now find it difficult to be quite happy and cheerful.”

19,2. Say I: “Do you think I did not know this before I accepted you? Yet I completely remitted your sins because you yourself have turned away from all sin and, no longer wanting to sin, will surely not do it. Therefore, you are no longer sinners but completely free of all sin, and so I think you should have all the more reason to be joyful with all your heart. ”

19,3. One of the citizens said: “Lord, what happens then to the sinful spots on the soul? For we have heard that, if someone has once sinned and is released from his sins by improvement through atonement, still a black spot remains on his soul, through which it is branded so that every quite pure soul avoids it in the other life because of this spot and cannot create unity with it, and that such a marked soul cannot reach comprehension of God until it has completely lost this spot in the worst fire of Hades (Sheol).”

19,4. I said: “Yes, yes, the spot remains on the soul until the person has fully denied sin! But whoever has thus fully seriously denied sin because it is evil and destroys the person and turns away from God and from everything good and true, has no spot any longer on his soul and no longer needs to fear Sheol’s terrible fire. But if you have such a respect for your spot of sin on your soul, how can you possibly look at Me, since you now know who is behind Me and is actually in Me?! Therefore see how weak and foolish you are still!

19,5. I tell you all: If you want to be My disciples, you must take off your whole old man like an old dress and put on a very new one; for I and the extremely scruffy and tattered Temple teachers of this time are no longer suitable for each other. Observe this and be sensible, noble, cheerful and full of good spirit!”

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