Russell Brand has been on the good side for quite some time

1 year ago

Russell Brand has been on the good side for quite some time

In Bill Maher's talk show, the British Hollywood star ("Men's Trip") knocked out one again:

“The pandemic has created at least 40 new big pharma billionaires.

Moderna and Pfizer made $1000 in profit every second on COVID-19 vaccine.

More than 2/3 of Congress received funds from pharmaceutical companies in the 2020 election.

Pfizer reported $100 billion in profit in 2022.

The American public funded the development and the German public funded the Biontech vaccine.

All I question is whether we have an economic system where pharmaceutical companies profit from medical emergencies, where a military-industrial complex profits from war, and energy companies profit from energy crises.

This is how states of constant crisis are created.”

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