DEATHS: 0 KILLS: a SHITTON! || SquaDuo EP 05

1 year ago

SquaDuo - a unique 2 person (Duo) POV experience from 2 of the 3 men from Str3am3n. This one-of-a-kind approach including the videography has never before been experienced.

Jump in and feel the intensity and realism of playing squad like never before while seeing what being a squad lead & crewman feels, sounds, and smells like in 360° real time? Buckle up!!!

...and let me hear your constructive suggestions in the comments...

#squad #gameplay #china

Squad details
squad, squad 4.0, PLA, China, update, fps, firstpersonshooter, youtube, gaming, game, gameplay, videogames, youtubevideos, tactical shooter, milsim, military simulation

factions countries etc.
PLA, China, red star, Marines, Army, Russia, United States, US, Canada, Australia, British, insurgents, militia

like these games
arma3, pubg, hell let loose, CSGO, insurgency sandstorm, fortnite, heros and generals

this video
entertain, lets play, Str3am3n, duo, SquaDuo

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operator drewski, moidawg, karmakut, friendly nikolai, jack frags

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