Trump Takes Attacks on DeSantis To The Next Level

1 year ago

Donald Trump prepares to release his Oppo file against Ron DeSantis. Ana Kasparian and her Rm Brown discuss The Young Turks. Catch TYT LIVE every weekday from 6pm to 8pm ET. http:

"Former President Donald Trump's team is preparing an investigation into opposition to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, attacking his record on child pornography and other issues. DeSantis has yet to formally announce his candidacy for president, but Trump has been on the defensive for months as the governor of Florida solidified himself as the only candidate who had a chance to fight Trump on the Republican field. has set fire to

So far, the barrage has been trash talk on the more tame side of the Trump curve, but in case anyone is wondering how ugly things are getting, Politico says Trump World reports that it is preparing an Oppo file on DeSantis aimed at attacking record-breaking cases of child pornography and more:

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