How to Get Lucky as a Day Trader

1 year ago

Has it ever happened to you? Someone accuses you of only making money on a trade because you “got lucky”. Or (be honest!), have you looked at another trader and had the same thought: “well, they only made money on the trade due to to “luck” “. To be fair, there is “luck” involved within the world of online day trading. You do need to “get lucky” from time to time in order to make money. With that being said, when I say “luck” do I mean it in the sense of pure randomness? Nope! We all need luck on our sides as traders, but we also all need to know how to get lucky as a day trader. That’s what I want to focus on in this video. Not only will I break down the two mental components that need to be overcome, but I’ll also show you how this all works using some of my personal day trading stock results. Let’s get to it!

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