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1 year ago

Question: Could we say Agoras Live with Tacit knowledge or implicit knowledge, a kind of knowledge transferred by coaching/training since it's too complex to code. The teacher gives specific answers to specific problems. Can we say Tacit knowledge would be the major difference between other online courses offered which offers explicit knowledge or codified knowledge? Yes, and also decentralized so anyone can set their price for their knowledge and no middleman to cut your money?

Answer: Yes, Agoras Live initially deals with partly implicit knowledge, meaning that the teacher is sharing whatever knowledge he possesses on different topics, and also a little bit later there will be a market of questions that you can answer as a teacher for whatever price you set on the market and also, of course, there is no middleman, you set the price for your knowledge by yourself but on the other hand, in some more different future, you can imagine other ways of sharing knowledge. For example, you can code your knowledge, for example, if you’re a lawyer and you know some answers to some questions, you can write logic software that answers automatically some questions and just provide an access to your recorded knowledge for some payment. Initially you share your knowledge with your video conferencing calls or your answers to people's requests for knowledge without any middleman. All money goes only to you.

#AgorasLive #DecentralizedLearning #TacitKnowledge #ExpertiseSharing #SelfPricedEducation #RevolutionizingLearning #NoMiddleman #FutureOfEducation #EmpoweringTeachers #GlobalLearningCommunity

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