DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES - There NEVER has been a Safe Vaccine and there never will be one

1 year ago

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES - says it's not even possible to have a safe vaccine because the actual process of vaccination defies the natural function of the immune system. It's very unnatural to the immune system which leaves it susceptible to more things.

Vaccination is an attempt to expose the body to a benign form of the disease so the body can respond as if it were infected with the disease without getting sick and the will have memory of that infection for the future if exposed to the actual natural infection.

The problem is that vaccines do not enter the body like natural infections do. Measles is inhaled and the vaccine is injected. The vaccine contains chemicals which the natural disease would not have.

The ugly FACT is that the origin of the Medical Industry began by the evil Rockefeller Dynasty.

If an industry was created by evil corrupt greedy people it is NOT going to do a 360 and all of a sudden be controlled by God Loving Christian's.

The Rockefellers openly believe in depopulation. What better way to implement their plan than to control the "Health" /Medical Industry?

The doctors are Rockefeller educated. That is FACT. They are taught how to write prescriptions. They are NOT taught how to heal the body. They treat symptoms which has NOTHING to do with restoring natural health.

They silence symptoms for as long as they can until another set of symptoms arise and then they diagnose with some idiotic medical label so they can prescribe another lifelong medicine which is toxic and destroys the body.

Our healthcare is a sick joke of treating illnesses with prescribed toxins.

They have inverted truth into a reality based on fraud, lies and deception. Reality is one giant magic trick. It's a Massive Illusion.

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