Katherine Watt Explains the ongoing use Of Bioweapons by The Military on Civilians

1 year ago

Now knowing that all these Viral Outbreaks in the past were Government Staged Psyops to prepare "Health Laws" for the Big Kahuna - "Covid", is there anyone still willing to stand in line to take a jab for the team?

To quickly summarize everything that Katherine is saying: We are in a war. The Globalists flat out OWN and have complete control of all the Militaries of the world and are using them to attack the people -- of course only the very top generals are privy, but that is all it takes to run this global operation, the soldiers are used, abused and taught to follow orders to protect their countries.

The wars are real, soldiers do die but they are CONTROLLED Demolitions - just as 911. They are filled with deceptive illusions. The globalists run the whole show. It is theatre directed by a Grand Master Architect -- Satan.

Watch this video, Katherine Watt is one of my top 5 go reliable sources, she digs deep and she KNOWS what's going on.

The specific reasons they create these Public "Health Laws" going back to the 1980's to perfectly fit their agenda. Then they use their weapons of media propaganda to promote FEAR worldwide that the Viral Outbreaks are so dangerous that the ONLY Solution is to get a Big Pharma "Vaccine".

But they are NOT Vaccines but have always been Toxins and Pathogens and now they include various nanotechnologies which will enable them to wirelessly remote-control humans as Dr. Craig Venter says.

The goal is to reduce population and get complete control of human beings through banking and military programs.

Prior to the 60's they controlled with financial conflicts and wars, now they control through medicine in the name of "health", everything is for our "wellbeing."

They fraudulently label toxins and poisons as health benefiting medicine.

Ingrain this into your heads people. This IS what is going on and what has been for over a 100 years now.

When they got full control of the money in 1913 the table was all setup to take political, financial and control of your health with the mandatory introduction of Rockefeller Petro Medicine - which abolished the Natural Homeopathy which treated the entire body and restored health. Chemical Medicine is toxic, treats symptoms and destroys health.

Watch all of this one, only 16 minutes.

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