Comparing two Amazon Splatter target designs // B2-2-177 basement fun {China airgun Vs China target)

1 year ago

In this episode I will be comparing two different splatter / reactive target that I got on amazon CANADA a while ago!
_{Kenadian doll-hairs}_

I already went through a full roll of the green ones but it was my first time using the other ones!
I think that my favorite is the green design BUTif you shoot pistols or open sights alot maybe the yellow ones might be better for you?!

ANYWAYS did I tell you that the channel got a new "friend" ?!
If you want to support an USA based bussiness instead of Cheenuh you know what to do!
*Take a look at Splatterburst Targets USA.*

Almost forgot... anybody needs a B2?! haha
It is not the worst air rifle on the planet.
But I forgot how "different" it was to shoot...
The single stage trigger is far from the best and I don't even know what the seal is made out of... (soaked it with oil to prevent issues... but this is annoying.)
*But hey... It shoots!*
_{You can guess what the seal is made out of in the comments.}_

Can I recommend any of the stuff used IN THIS VIDEO?
Not sure... choose by yourself ! haha
_Like this you can't blame me for your poor decisions._
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Thanks for watching & Have fun shootin''!
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____________ Featured: ____________ /
- Roebel B2-2-177 (450fps)
- Superlube silicone O-ring (Very thick oil)
- Crosman Pointed 7.4gr (.177cal)
- Crosman Wadcutter 7.4gr (.177cal)
- Shmamazon 3'' green splatter target 250 roll (Splatter Weile)
- Shmamazon 3'' yellow splatter target 100 roll (HYBSK)

Pssst! Hey you... want to support ''local'' economy?
Might aswell just get some ''Splatterburst Targets'' made in USA.
They have alot of options and you are supporting an american company!

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