Suspect arrested after pointing laser at CHP aircraft in Vacaville

1 year ago

A suspect was arrested Friday night after pointing a laser at a California Highway Patrol (CHP) aircraft, the law enforcement agency announced in a Facebook post. The helicopter was assisting the Vacaville Police Department when a laser was pointed at the aircraft several times.

CHP posted a video of a view from the helicopter from above. Within the first 15 seconds of the video, you can hear CHP officers acknowledge the laser being pointed at the aircraft.

Authorities were then able to find out where the laser was coming from.

The suspect who pointed the laser was standing next to a Toyota 4Runner in front of an apartment complex, according to the video. Authorities then followed the suspect into the building and arrested him.

CHP said shining a laser at an aircraft is a felony in California. It is also a federal crime.

The suspect remains unidentified, and CHP did not release any more information about him.

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