Uncovering deep mind control entanglements with deep relaxation&working with deprogramming awareness

1 year ago

Part I (first hour)
Olya and I are discussing the invasion of our living spaces by handlers, family, guilt and savior programming and ways to avoid engaging with the interface. We discuss the false distorted image and feedback from the matrix sytems, different handling templates, how our healing work on self esteem can be continuously triggered, different forms of abuse ongoing in this realm, the frequency signature of false guidance, covert handling and covert energies, the bond between handlers and handlees and the deep hidden entanglements in our minds and psyches. We share about the draining impact of many activities (including most yoga classes) and part taking here and when it's time to leave handled spaces.

Part II (second hour)
We are discussing the benefits of Yoga Nidra deep relaxation for seeing things for what they are. Yoga nidra assists us in releasing psychic hooks that are in the way for us to sense the truth. This empowering practices encourages our brain to be looking for new pathways and solutions. The unconscious and the engineering here are 2 of the main reasons we find ourselves in situations we don't expect or that we did not see coming. It's a practice that assists us in unrooting the seeds before they lead us to engineering and also to process repressed unconscious fears and traumas. I got access to memories from the MK Ultra projects thanks to practicing very regularly. Yoga nidra deep relaxation certainly encourages us to deeper access the subtle worlds or realities.

Practice with the recordings Olya created, either 1 or 4 journeys of deep relaxation yoga nidra: https://ariaperseicourses.thinkific.com/collections/deep-relaxation

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