Minashigo no Ballad - Ballad of Orphans みなし児のバラード (Cover)

1 year ago

On October 2, 1969, the TV animation series "Tiger Mask" began airing. The main character, Naoto Date, who grew up in an orphanage, was scouted by "Tora no Ana -The Den of Tigers", a villainous wrestler training organization outside of Japan, and endured harsh training to become the villainous professional wrestler "Tiger Mask”. After his return to Japan, he demonstrates his abilities and becomes active, but the relationships he develops with the orphanage where he grew up and continues to interact with, leads him to decide to change direction from a villain to a legitimate wrestler. Against the hero who betrayed the organization, "Tora no Ana" sends a succession of talented assassins. Children who were wrestling fans at the time were overjoyed because the cartoon featured the leading figures of the Japanese wrestling world: Giant Baba, Antonio Inoki, Kintaro Ohki, and others. This month's song is the ending song of the anime "Tiger Mask“.

A long time had passed since the anime ended and was about to fade from people's memories when, in 2010, an incident occurred in which a person claiming to be the main character "Naoto Date" presented school bags to an orphanage for free. The incident was later dubbed the "Tiger Mask Movement" due to the appearance of other individuals who engaged in similar acts. Even today, anonymous "Date Naoto" are still active in various parts of Japan.

If you don't lose in the face of difficulties, destiny will surely smile on you. In these turbulent times, this is an animation I want to watch again.

昭和44(1969)年10月2日、連続TVアニメ「タイガーマスク」の放映が開始されました。孤児院で育った主人公 伊達 直人が国外の悪役レスラー養成機関「虎の穴」にスカウトされ、過酷な特訓に耐えて悪役プロレスラー「タイガーマスク」となります。帰国後、実力を発揮して活躍しますが、自分が育った孤児院との交流を続ける中で育まれた人間関係により、悪役から正統派レスラーへと方向転換を決意。組織を裏切った主人公に対して、「虎の穴」が次々と実力派の刺客を送り込んでいきます。アニメには、日本プロレス界を代表する選手 ジャイアント馬場、アントニオ猪木、大木金太郎等が登場するので、当時のプロレスファンだった子供たちは大喜びでした。今月の歌はアニメ「タイガーマスク」エンディングソングです。



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