Tokyo Shoeshine Boy 東京シューシャインボーイ (Cover)

1 year ago

September 23 is Shoeshine Day in Japan. Shoeshine is "Ku-tsu-migaki" in Japanese. "Ku" in "Ku-tsu-migaki" is "9", "Tsu" is "2", and "Migaki" is "3" in Japanese. The song about "shoeshine" is "Tokyo Shoeshine Boy”. Released in May 1951, it was a major hit song by singer Teruko Akatsuki.

The song expresses the story of a war orphan who lost his parents in the war after World War II, and how, against all odds, he earned his daily bread and lived a strong life, working. Life is full of many things, but it is important to have a cheerful spirit to survive. In these days when we seem to forget to smile, let's sing this song to bring back the cheerful spirit.

9月23日は靴磨きの日。この日は「くつみがき」の「く」を「9」、「つ」を「2」、「みがき」を「3」とする語呂合わせが起源です。「靴磨き」の歌と言えば、「東京シューシャインボーイ」。昭和26(1951)年5月に発売された「東京シューシャインボーイ」は、歌手 暁テル子の代表的ヒット曲です。


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