2 years ago

My first comedic short story, will improve later

Since the audio sucks, the text is as follows (a few differences):

It was a Saturday night, in Horn Lake, Mississippi, at 10:39 PM. DrehypeMSU and his brother, 21 Kid, were up later than they should have been, although they had to attend church at First Baptist in the morning. Also, DrehypeMSU was a user of a video sharing platform, Vine, and he had posted a few videos there. He also knew that 21 Kid had gotten a math test back on Friday and probably got a bad grade. What a great opportunity to make a new video.
Next to 21 Kid’s bedroom, DrehypeMSU asked 21 Kid about his test, offering help in his class, but with some choice words. He asked, “21 Kid, how was your test?” Naturally, 21 Kid was reluctant to share details, replying with “mind your own business.” DrehypeMSU told 21 Kid that he needed to do well in school to get ahead in life. “I’m going to Mississippi State next year, hence the MSU in my Vine username”, said DrehypeMSU. “I got there by doing my work and taking school seriously. Sure mom and dad don’t really care, but you need to do well in school to get into a good college. This will get you a good job, and you won’t be broke. I got a great scholarship for college, with plenty of job opportunities.” 21 Kid wasn’t convinced at all, replying “You gonna be a farmer. No way you gonna get money from that.” DrehypeMSU answered, “I’m studying Agricultural Science. I don’t do any farming, I develop better methods of growing crops. That requires knowledge of many different subjects. Now show me your test or I’ll get it out of your bag myself.” Since 21 Kid refused, DrehypeMSU walked to 21 Kid’s backpack, pulled the test out himself, then walked back. The test had 21 Kid’s name, the teacher, Mrs. Fritts of Horn Lake Intermediate School, and his fourth grade class. And of course, at the top of the test, there was a big fat F. 21%.
Reacting to this terrible grade, DrehypeMSU told 21 Kid, “This is what happens when you don’t study. You don’t do your homework. And you probably don’t even pay attention in class.” 21 Kid was very pissed at DrehypeMSU for a minute, who was still open to help him with his schoolwork. What he didn’t notice was that DrehypeMSU had his cell phone in hand, ready to record him. 21 Kid started acting like a douche, calling DrehypeMSU a “nerd” and a “sheep”. Being annoyed, DrehypeMSU decided to punish 21 Kid. He hit record, then said to 21 Kid, “You stupid!” 21 Kid, disapproving of this claim, replied “No, I’m not.” DrehypeMSU disagreed with this too, so to test him, he asked “What’s 9+10”, a pretty easy question, below 4th grade level. Being stupid, 21 Kid answered “21” after a second of thinking. Having had enough, DrehypeMSU said to 21 Kid again, “You stupid”. He stopped the recording and uploaded the video at 11:00 PM.

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