Osakana-Tengoku Fish Heaven おさかな天国 (Cover)

1 year ago

On March 7, 2017, the Sakana Japan Project Promotion Council was jointly launched by the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, the Dai Nippon Suisan Kaisha (Japan Fisheries Association), and the Sankei-Shimbun Newspaper in order to increase the consumption of fisheries in Japan. March 7, the day of its inauguration, was changed to "3 (sa) ka 7 (na)," and March 7 was designated as "Fish Day," with the aim of increasing domestic consumption of seafood.

There is another "Fish Day" in Japan. The National Federation of Fisheries Wholesale Markets established October 10, 2006 as "Fish Day". The infant word for fish is "toto. The number 10 is pronounced "to" in Japanese. In addition, the 10th of every month has been designated as "Fish Day" to promote the consumption of fish and shellfish.

This month, we are releasing "Osakana Tengoku (Fish Paradise)" in honor of "Fish Day. In 1991, the National Federation of Fishermen's Cooperative Associations commissioned a music production company as part of the Fisheries Agency's fish-eating promotion project, and the completed cassette tapes were distributed to the fresh fish sections of supermarkets and department stores nationwide. About 30 years have passed since then, and we still hear this song in the fish section of the supermarket market. It is a hidden bestseller in Japan.

There are 31 types of seafood in the song. Which kind of seafood do you like? Why don't you listen to this song and taste some fish today?




曲内では31種類の魚介類が登場します。どの魚介類が好きですか? この歌を聴きながら、今日は魚を味わってみませんか?

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