How to Get Healthy, Smart, Motivated & Find Life Purpose! | Peter Rogers MD Interview #2

1 year ago


🎙️ Podcast version:

Topics include: how to find life purpose, how to get motivated, how to improve study skills, how to raise IQ, how to be healthy, wrestling, how conventional medicine fails, how to prevent disease.

📕 Dr. Peter Rogers is a Stanford & Harvard-educated MD who for over 30 years has helped people optimize performance for school, sports & health. He is a surgeon & neuroradiologist. He's written nutrition, medical & study skills books and lectures on his YouTube channel

/ @peterrogersmd

Dr. Rogers promotes what he calls Spartan Veganism, a low fat WFPB SOS-free vegan lifestyle that's also free of environmental toxins.

🕐 Timestamps

0:00 Intro
0:56 Dr. Rogers' motivation
2:00 Conventional medical textbooks are wrong
3:19 Dr. Rogers' self-reinvention from wrestler to scientist/doctor/scholar
6:57 Alfred Adler inferiority principle, personality
7:19 If upset at something, put the energy to something else
7:35 Study & meet people achieving your goals
8:00 Condensed notes
8:25 Don't memorize for the test - LOVE the material
9:00 Doing something makes one happy - redemption story
10:00 Coming back too soon from injury & getting re-injured
10:45 Do young people rush & hurry too much?
11:00 Ayn Rand, how to raise kids, cellphones make people dumb
12:00 People need to spend time alone & reflect
12:10 Don't sleep with smartphones
12:30 Spend time with older people
13:30 Mark & David Shultz brothers World & Olympic Champions gave Dr. Rogers CONFIDENCE & ENERGY
14:47 How David Schultz overcame being fat, dyslexic & weak to become a champion wrestler
15:36 Get older mentors
16:10 Go to competitions to get motivated
16:30 How to prevent physical & mental burnout?
16:50 Overcome burnout by loving & feeling grateful for the opportunity to get an education
19:16 Kids benefit from mom & dad
19:35 How to find your life purpose?
19:58 How to find your life purpose: help others, do what makes you happy
21:00 Improve your health: stop caffeine, MSG, holding phone to
21:39 Many people today are cognitively impaired & impulsive
22:09 Aristotle "The first step to an intelligent conversation is to remove all emotion" & blind men elephant story
23:00 Thinking skills are valuable - understand reality - "If you think there's a contradiction, then recheck your premises. There are no contradictions" - Ayn Rand
23:41 "There's always the good reason for something, and then there's the REAL reason"
24:15 How Michelle's 6th grade teacher tried to stop her from reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
24:50 Public school system makes people minimum wage conformists
25:10 Value of liberal arts education instead of vocational education
26:00 People who read a lot can defend themselves
27:21 Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, meritocracy, private property
28:19 Who are Dr. Peter Rogers' medical inspirations?
28:50 Transformation story: Dr. Rogers couldn't save his mom nor dad & was fat, then found Dr. John McDougall's work
31:30 Wrestling was a meritocracy which encouraged being different & unique, unlike medicine & big pharma
32:33 Medicine doesn't reward patients getting well
33:11 Medicine makes money off drugs & surgery
34:20 Doctors don't have time to educate patients on nutrition & epidemiology
35:30 Doctors must please big pharma, insurance companies - affects Standard of Care
36:20 Medical centers don't care about patient outcomes, just that doctors follow Standard of Care
37:13 Brian Tracy - "Maximum Achievement" - align conscious & subconscious mind to achieve
37:40 Religion motivates people - Bach
38:44 Importance of having 2 points of view - spend time in 2 countries
39:13 Plan your day in 30 minutes
39:22 Never watch TV, TV is for idiots
39:40 Wondery podcasts are good education
40:10 Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power book is good - world is unfair
41:40 "Do not ask for an easier time, because you are not going to get it"
42:05 Don't do alcohol nor marijuana, substitute something else like religion for it
42:42 Combine a variety of skills to become great
43:20 How David Schultz learned technique to overcome his physical weaknesses
44:33 Incrementalism - system of how to become the best
45:16 Study tips: 1. Love what you're studying, to remember it
48:00 The Sorrows of Young Werther story - love what you're doing
49:49 How to learn languages - Spanish - get the FEEL of the language
51:40 What Peter Rogers is interested in learning & doing now
52:40 Go vegan to avoid heart disease, cancer
53:50 Teaching someone about nutrition & toxicology can give them extra decades of life
54:30 Dr. Rogers' goals
55:30 People don't get second chances to live - patient who gets blood infection gets paraplegic
56:44 How most people in their 60's have cognitive decline
57:00 All atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension damages the brain

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