JUAN O SAVIN- The Year of the Whistleblower 2023- Nino 12 30 2022 full program

1 year ago

Updated MAR 19 2023 This is the Full version with the information about the DRUG CARTELS that are KILLING our citizens and children and THOUSANDS in MEXICO. This is the background that YOU should know about the current FINANCIAL CRISIS.
JUAN IN UTAH leaving the BRUNSON STUDIO. 12 30 2022

THIS IS VERY TIMELY as to a knowing for those doing research about GOV AGENCIES. The boney hands tattooed on the shoulders of the MS13 member are his DEMON. BE AWARE these individuals are AMONGST US. LISTEN HARD and they are ALL ON CELL PHONES and Corrupted by their devices. THE CON IS COMPLETE and we are the PREY. They are AGENTS OF EVIL. Our Culture is FRAYED and BROKEN. And the formula is SERIOUS. IDENTIFY and ISOLATE. This may be happening to those in your local family and friends. THEY ARE AT RISK.

I feel a need to ask for PRAYERS for JUAN O SAVIN... he is right and as of MARCH 19 2023, undergoing demonic attack. . I know this is difficult to ask for, but I need help. PRAY for the laying down and removal of the demons in Juan's life. Don't recognize its position of power over him. This story that JUAN tells us in this PRESENTATION is a CALL FOR HELP... as he is outside of the home State and Residence.
Know that demons being "displeased" is a trademark. Will it be resolved in a Godly way? Only with Prayer and the efforts of all of us. The end statement "that's the secret.. ingredient".. Ninos Creamo= 126 Juan O Savin, Wormwood, Devil Lucifer.

Please and thank you for your PRAYERS. These evil ones is a part of the same structures in the title picture, that 5 prominent people are in. Gargoyles of EVIL. And they want to try and take you and your family down. You must seek God's Guidance. And do your own research. All Good Men out there are AT RISK. And we need to interfere with the CABALS attempts to gain ground against them . As REAL as you and me. IT IS BIBLICAL. Stay aware with Constant Prayer for Protection:

Protection from the Evil One Prayer
Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. You are the Almighty God, and his power doesn’t stand a chance to the might You yield. I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save me from his evil plots. Cover me with Your presence when I feel weak so that he will flee from my presence. Amen.

Brunson Case files:
U.S. Supreme Court Docket - Case 22-380

Supreme Court Case File

Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al. 22-380

Loy Brunson web page where you can Purchase SCOTUS petition as presented to the Court

Personally write 2 Letters one to SCOTUS as an example: https://tinyurl.com/6s2mdn6j
send to:
Supreme Court of the United States
Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Judges.
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543
Docket updates show Amicus Briefs filed 12 31 2022

Write a personal note and enclose a dollar just to help out:
Loy & Raland Brunson
4287 S. Harrison Blvd #132
Ogden, UT 84403

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