Ignorance Is A Choice - Your Thinking Friend

1 year ago

Ignorance is a choice.

Welcome to the launch of www.YourThinkingFriend.com. This website will use information circulated by the elites for generations through quotes, original quotes by Xavier Asante, documents, and videoblogs. Additionally, subscribers of the website will receive multiple tips, hacks, and freebies. The first video from Your Thinking Friend is IGNORANCE IS A CHOICE.


Make sure you visit us at www.YourThinkingFriend.com to find our videos and commentary.

Make sure you visit our distant cousin at www.CoonWatch.com and view The BedW*nch Song and MANY other videos.

Please note that CoonWatch.com is not a racist site. It is simply a site by "black" contributors who shine the light on those who intend to harm the "black" race from within.


** Donate to help us grow: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/blackfront


** Stay updated: http://eepurl.com/SF8E9


** Protect Yourself - Best Dashcam: http://amzn.to/2FrIU7j



** https://www.YourThinkingFriend.com

** https://www.CoonWatch.com (not for racists)


My Social Media links.

** Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theXavierAsante

** Twitter: https://twitter.com/XavierAsante


My Video Streaming Channels:

** Odysee: https://odysee.com/@YourThinkingFriend

** Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/YourThinkingFriend

** YouTube (Until Deleted): https://www.youtube.com/@YourThinkingFriend/videos

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