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Lil Yachty | House Tour | $5 Million Atlanta Mansion & More

3 years ago

Lil Yachty | House Tour | $5 Million Atlanta Mansion & More
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkrKgPRTzgfFE6NLWvx3vUQ?sub_confirmation=1

With the release of hit songs like “One Night” and “Demon Time”, rapper Lil Yachty has come to represent an evolution in the sound of hip-hop. Some might call his performance method of choice “mumble rap”, but to Yachty, what he does is something a little different than that. He likes to call his use of sampling anime theme songs and video games, “bubblegum trap” – which most definitely has a nicer ring to it. Whether you like his music or not, Yachty has managed to purchase more than one place to call home thanks to his success in the rap game, and today we’ll take a look.

#LilYachty #HouseTour #RealEstate #FamousEntertainment

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Writer / Host: Kara