Graduate Topology Lecture Series Part I - Manifolds & Fibre Bundles

1 year ago

Please find the notes for this talk here:

This is the first of a three-part graduate lecture series I gave as part of a topology colloquium several years ago. Apologies for the audio and video quality. I had storage issues at the time and had to heavily compress the video long before I could--or ever did--properly clean it up and edit it. I've done what I can to make it as watchable as possible, but this lecture series was my first attempt at filming myself, so I beg a little indulgence.

I'll be uploading the subsequent talks from the series as I can, along with more mathematical content. Let me know if you enjoy this type of content and want to see more discussion of topics in topology, geometry, and dynamical systems.

Check out to see what else I'm up to ...

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