March 19, 2023

2 years ago

Only in the morning for now. Chirping. It used to happen much more often. Persistent chirping, bird singing, bird calling, bird noises of all sorts, on many occasions, very loud, next and near my windows, it seems the spies have setup an aviary. As far as I can remember, the spies started to use this type of harassment sometimes in 2012, the chirping would start at around 5 am, and would go on as late as 830 pm, it was year around. Also, between 1 and 5 am, another louder, bigger bird would appear between April and September, today this one might appear at any hour and as early as February, there was nothing I could do to stop these noises. I set up flashing lights to some effect only, I set up a very loud pest repellent that would only work for a few minutes, then the chirping would start again, with the drawback it provides the CIA’s first respondents with an excuse to come after me. This form of harassment only ended when I started to post videos in the net, after that, it became more random, no as continuous as before.

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