Truth of God - Why Go Against YHWH Commandments?

1 year ago

1. Edging the Hair and Beard - Leviticus 19:27
2. Tattoo / Body markings - Leviticus 19:28
3. Necklaces, Chains Etc. - Isaiah 3:16-23
4. Changing Natural to Unnatural - Romans 1:25-26
5. Make-up for beauty – Jeremiah 4:30
6. Men of today sinning against YAH - Zephaniah 1:17
7. No Braided Hair, Gold, Fancy Clothes - 1 Peter 3:3-4
8. Men having Long Hair? - 1 Corinthians 11:14
9. Women Heads Uncovered - 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
10. Men/Women wearing each others type of Clothing
Deuteronomy 22:5 / Jude 1:23
11. Perfumes / Smells (tablets) - Isaiah 3:20,
Exodus 30:37
12. Friend of the World - James 4:4
13. World / Secular Music - Amos 5:23
14. Flattering People (being to nice) - Proverbs 28:23
15. Total disregard to the Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17
16. Lying, Killing, Trouble Maker - Proverbs 6:16-19
17. Drunkenness – Proverbs 20:1, Ephesians 5:18
18. Love the World and the things that are in the World
1 John 2:15-17

Do the research and learn of the Truths in the Written Word of יהוה (YHWH)

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