February 2016, Ayrton's birthday part 1, at mummy's house unwrapping presents

1 year ago

February 2016, it's Ayrton's 4th #birthday, part 1. This clip is of Ayrton & Gabrielle at their mummy's before coming over to daddy's. Ayrton is blessed of many presents at his mummy's, enthusiastically unwrapping them whilst wearing a #spiderman costume, whilst off duty. The whole day turns into an avengers spider family themed birthday, with guest appearance of spider man's very good friend on the following clips. Ayrton was rather spoilt for his birthday this year 😊😍🤩🥰 #avengersbirthday #avengersbirthdayparty #birthday #daddygorilladumdum #justice4ayrton8gabrielleAbreu #singleparent #fatherhoodbreakdown #parentalalienation #humanrights #implacablehostility #falsedomesticabuse





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