Independent Education vs Public Schooling with David James Rodriguez | Dissolving The Divide #14

1 year ago

The divides of education has been part of the fulcrum of what David's been involved in, with Homeschool Leaders and Valor Academy, as well as his contributions to the Education Options group. We're so grateful for him to come on with us for a a very interesting conversation about these conundrums of common core curriculums in public and private schools vs homeschooling or any variant of education independent of the former..

This series looks to offer solutions regarding any divide, and David seems to be chalked full of ideas and solutions for those struggling or wanting to free themselves or their children from public schools. None of us have all the answers, which is why we encourage people to look into these matters for yourselves.

Show notes and David's links:

Education Options

act on academy

voluntary curriculum

classrooms of the heart: John Gatto

network state: Bellagi

notes just like in middle skool right? haha

@lesliepowers3487 as always has her website, where you can access her works & services she provides. If you are a parent and have any troubled children who may need counseling, consider contacting Leslie for a free consultation to see how she could be of great assistance.

Derek put out a mix music mix @AwakenYaMind regarding school some years ago which is quite interesting and groovey with his edutainment style of conveying music that portrays many profound perspectives about life & spirituality..

Thank you for listening

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