Mistakes were not made

2 years ago

When I first read Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice by Margaret Anna Alice, it was painful and I had no intention of reading it twice. In envisioning a Better Way for humanity, I prefer not to remember the horrors of the past—the events and actions that demonstrate human beings are capable of such terrible, anti-human things, and that evil exists.

Margaret's poem is extremely uncomfortable to say the least. With the world on a fast track to digital identification, quarantine camps, and WHO-mandated experimental vaccines, it contains a stark warning for humanity: What happened before can happen again.

Many people who are aware that history has a habit of repeating itself may be worried to speak about the well-trodden route to fascism in the context of our current predicament—where a global cabal are seeking to control public health measures, our private health data, our movements, what we put into our bodies, access to information, and compliance with their directives. Art is such an effective...

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