N.S.W 2023 Elections Deep State/Corruption

1 year ago

N.S.W 2023 Elections Deep State/Corruption
In the last 3 years there has been enough coverage of events reported by mainstream media to make an inference that N.S.W is controlled by Roman Catholic Orders and Rome's confederacies as well as cooperators who feather their own nests by doing so. I will provide the links to specific news stories and reports.

Documents reveal Dominic Perrottet, Paul Toole lobbied for Catholic control of $5bn cemeteries https://michaelwest.com.au/documents-reveal-dominic-perrottet-paul-toole-lobbied-for-catholic-control-of-5bn-cemeteries/

The “Catholic Cabinet”: Perrottet’s $5bn cemeteries bid dwarfs Gladys’ gun club frolic https://michaelwest.com.au/perrottets-catholic-cemeteries-bid-dwarfs-gladys-gun-club-scandal/

Blessed are the Litigants: Catholic backlash over cemeteries grab

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/catastrophic-outcome-premier-calls-archbishop-in-rome-over-funding-20181009-p508mk.html 'Catastrophic outcome': Premier calls Archbishop in Rome over funding

NSW stumps up extra cash for public schools to resolve funding war

Catholics dumped from managing cemeteries

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