Lardecoramado - Strawberry Jelly

1 year ago

4 cups strawberries, trimmed and halved
1 cup granulated sugar
fresh lemon juice (1 lemon)
3 tablespoons pectin (optional)

Make the jelly:
Place strawberries in a processor and blend until smooth;
Add sugar, lemon juice and pectin
Bring mixture to a boil and cook (high heat) stirring frequently, 3 minutes. Reduce heat to low and simmer 3 to 5 minutes more.
Turn off the heat and skim off the appearing foam with a spoon.
Start filling the mason jars with jelly

To sterilize jars:
Wash jars and lids with hot, soapy water
Place jars in a large pot, cover with water, and bring to a simmer.
Place lids in a separate pot of hot water. Leave jars and lids in water until ready to fill.

4 xícaras de morangos sem folhas e cortados ao meio
1 xícara de açúcar demerara
Suco de 1 limão
3 colheres (sopa) de pectina (opcional)

Amasse os morangos (ou use mixer, liquidificador)
Adicione açúcar, a pectina e o suco de limão
Leve ao fogo alto e deixe ferver por 3 minutos, mexendo sempre
Reduza o fogo e mexa por mais 5 minutos
Retire a espuma que se forma na superfície
Armazene a geleia em um frasco esterilizado

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