Mass Vaccination & Lockdowns Will Happen Again Unless the Hard Questions Are Asked

1 year ago

Mass Vaccination & Lockdowns Will Happen Again Unless the Hard Questions Are Asked
All these Covid vaccines have 5G data collection systems inside them and activate when a frequency from the new 5G towers is emmited,
This is the original facebook group that was deleted by facebook and has perma moved here. Invite your fb friends on this one because we will always stay up.
Link to the group:
The Biden administration put out a policy idea where the goal of the next pandemic is to get a vaccine out and ready within 130 days.

• But "If you are aiming at a vaccine in 130 days, what that means is you can't test the vaccine for very long — maybe one month."

• And if there's this promise that a vaccine will be ready in 130 days, "we'll lock down for four months."

• The current policy of the U.S. and many countries of the world is to repeat the same mistakes we just made: lockdown & mass vaccination.

• So unless there's an honest commission where we get to ask the hard questions, "It's gonna happen again."

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