This Is What We Call Democide, Death By Government

1 year ago

Edward Dowd's (
) Bombshell from March 2022: "This Is What We Call Democide, Death By Government"
All these Covid vaccines have 5G data collection systems inside them and activate when a frequency from the new 5G towers is emmited,
This is the original facebook group that was deleted by facebook and has perma moved here. Invite your fb friends on this one because we will always stay up.
Link to the group:
The CDC’s own data showed an 84% increase in excess mortality among the millennial cohort, temporally related to the introduction of vaccine mandates from the summer into the fall.

"Starting in the summer into the fall with the mandates and the boosters, there were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021."

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