Homeless 18F

2 years ago

18F last night in the end of March 2023. Global warming my ass. Need 5k a month to live. Canada is killing its people. First it was lab made virus. Then the jab. Then homelessness. Doctors kill 40 000 ppl a year . CCP run Canada is a meat grinder that is designed to wipe out the middle class.
F YouTube for deleting my channel how dare i show the truth. The media is a lie, tv is brainwashing, reality shows are fake, everything is rigged , false and a scam Government just pushes lies.
Shame on Canada for allowing ppl to have no shelter. Shelter is a Right everyone must have . But the goal in Canada is to kill you and nobody gives a dam. Humanity at its best. Fake survival shows on tv can suck it.
I would love to just build a shelter on a plot of land. You Cant do that . You would be arrested and your shelter destroyed by the cops and everything thrown into the trash bc the Comunists want u dead and nobody gives a dam. A plot of land for 1 house no service is $600 000 . Then u cant build just anything bc you have no rights in Canada. You must fall in line or get jailed , evicted from your land u bought or be beaten to death by the police.

Ultimate survival Alaska you fraud show. Suck it

Tims had 59kb sec upload. Cheap out more takes forever to upload the truth . A society based on selfishness, profit , greed ,deception, and hypocrisy cannot survive. Most ppl will do anything for money and most things are a lie . The media without question is a propaganda machine . Community, compassion, justice, integrity, humanity is gone. Make no mistake ppl will throw u under the bus when it comes down to it. Note . Ppl dont post the truth bc when u are surviving taking 1 hr to upload this tiny video with free wifi and nobody actually cares . There is little point. Nobody wants to know this and nobody cares. I was right about the CCP and Canada. Right about vaccines. Right about hyperinflation. War in Ukraine. The government is wiping out middle class. Remember that. When u get homeless Remember this nobody cares. Ppl have other priorities like booze TV and ignoring the truth. Thanks to all who voted Liberals, PC, NDP. 20 parties in Canada and you all vote what the media tell u to vote. Good job everyone. I am always 2 years ahead of society. 2020 pfizer data posted on raidforums long before 99% of you knew .since that leak the judge forced the data release bc it was already out there. In 2006 i saw 2008 coming . I am always 2 years ahead of society. Collapse of north America is the goal and it will happen. A recession with job losses will put everyone effected on the street within months

Developers. Banks who have the politicians in their pockets are one in the same . Making 4 billion quarterly in profits by rigging the market cauing housing rental crisis on purpose.
Vangaurd Blackrock. CCP WEF will collapse Canada. 2025. Everyone just follows orders like Nazi's did . Yet this isnt crimes against humanity bc justice is dead.

This is a warning. You are next. You ignored this and allowed it. So karma is coming. You can always take the fentanyl route to end your suffering. This is the reason for this crisis. Peoples lives suck so bad and society doesn't give a dam. No hope no future no humanity. Society has failed and nobody is responsible or accountable in this Comunist regime in Canada. I can imagine any vax injured are on their way to being homeless and dead. Anyone losing a job will be here soon. Canada will fall before America does. But north America is done. Takes 7 years to build a apartment. By the time it's done 10 more are needed due to immigration. Vangaurd Blackrock run the government and thw banks. WEF and the CCP run these investment firms . They also run our food and pharmaceutical industry

Note . Many people will take my ideas . Redo them with better resources and profit from them on social media apparently there are ppl on YouTube with Car living videos with drama and lies added with hundreds of thousands of subscribers . Making bank of deception. Meanwhile i make this real work full-time make 0 on this.

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