Rhema March 18, 2023 ❤️ Outsmart the Enemy and preserve your Soul... Obedience protects you

1 year ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/06/24/jesus-sagt-trickst-den-feind-aus-bewahrt-eure-seele-jesus-says-outsmart-the-enemy-preserve-your-soul/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org
Jesus says...
Outsmart the Enemy & Preserve your Soul... Obedience protects you

June 23, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... When I came into prayer I told Him… 'Here I am, Lord. But I dearly miss our sweet connection.'

Jesus answered... "And you know why I am withholding it… right?"

(Clare) Because I’ve been bad?

(Jesus) "Clare, you know better than that…"

(Clare) I just wanted to be sure, Jesus. I miss Your sweet embrace.

(Jesus) "You have seen the raging flames in My heart, Beloved. For now, that must be enough."

(Clare) I am limping, Lord, full of voices that condemn me and call me lukewarm. Am I lukewarm? I don’t feel the passion.

(Jesus) "If I judged a soul’s devotion by their feelings, I’d have nothing to go by but a vapor. What I go by is obedience and you are lacking in that area. Not out of choice, but out of opposition. So, I want you to push through and do as I ask in every circumstance."

(Clare) I know I don’t deserve a hug. But Jesus, how can I keep going without that touch?

(Jesus) "Obedience. Prove to Me your love, Clare, and continue on without the fire. Continue on when you are tired, discouraged, wavering. Oh, you and Peter have so much in common!"

"Clare, you know I love you. You know you are irreplaceable to Me. Please don’t let Me down; fight the good fight even when some are against you. Don’t let it get to you, move beyond it. I know how painful that is, but you must push through. You are still limping from the wounds of those whose hearts are not with you. But you must keep going."

"If I let that stop Me, I never would have made it to the Cross and you never could have an opportunity to be in Heaven with Me."

"Betrayals come and go. People come and go, assuming different pretexts. But many cannot be true to themselves, let alone to anyone else. I couldn’t let that stop Me."

"Come here, Child."

(Clare) At that point, I broke down crying on His chest and He held me tightly to His heart… 'Oh, Jesus, please take this pain away?'

(Jesus) "Will you not carry what little is left of it for Me and for souls who are about to die unsaved?"

(Clare) A tear came running down my cheek and He gathered it into a golden bottle that was almost full.

(Jesus) "Just a few more tears, and you will be Home with Me. Don’t let anyone discourage or stop you. I have given you the courage of a lioness; do not let insincere souls cripple you. All that is hidden shall be brought to the light. I am a God of Justice and Holiness. But for now, I ask you to carry this cross. Besides, you preach it so well! Can you not live it?"


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