British MP Andrew Bridgen Leads An Adjournment Debate On The Efficacy Of The mRNA Covid-19 Booster

1 year ago

The good British MP Andrew Bridgen mentions, with disdain, a key element of the global crime marketed as "COVID-19" . . . the vileness of the so-called news media (my descriptor). To give all a perspective on how correct MP Bridgen is, I offer my recent letter to the TWELVE US ATTORNEY GENERALS that secretly demanded that TWITTER and FACEBOOK aggressively censor all posts and close all accounts that questioned, in the slightest, the criminal fraud of "COVID-19," especially its so-called "vaccine."

Four Links: (1) Letter signed by twelve AGs on 24 March 2021:

(2) Letter I sent in-response to the statement made by US Congresswoman Nancy Mace (R-SC): (Please note Page 25 of 26).

(3) Excerpt of Congressional hearing by Congresswoman Mace (note that Pages 3-5 are transcript):

(4) @14:00 MP Bridgen denounces LIABILITY IMMUNITY:

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