CHAOS DRAFT - EP. 7 - Toadal Destruction

1 year ago

In this new series Bard and I will open one pack from every set and keep one card each to buildt our decks with - every single episode! Join us on our ride through the history of yugioh in our fierce duels!

Editor (this time thats me!) on this episode was a bit slow so i missed the sceduled upload time, realy sorry about that.

Thanks for reading this far, didnt think anyone would do that. I would love to edit these episodes more but I am realy close to my final law exams and my computer keeps crashing over and over while editing. Will probably have to pay someone to edit just because thats cheaper than buying a new computer, even tho I could and want to edit myself. Do you edit? Then write me in the comments or PM me on discord. Preferably someone who isn't charging much/ does the editing for free (I can give shoutouts and stuff, and can edit an outro that you edited the episode, but cant pay much atm).

#yugioh #tcg #chaosdraft
Check out Remote-Duel-Brotherhood!

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