Define Network. Which type of processing is used in a network? Explain its advantages.

1 year ago

#DefinitionOfNetwork #ProcessingTypes #AdvantagesOfNetwork

A network is a collection of interconnected devices or nodes that can communicate with each other and share resources. In a network, processing can be centralized or distributed, depending on the type of network. Centralized processing involves a single computer or server that controls all the processing and data storage, while distributed processing allows multiple devices to share the processing load and data storage.

The advantages of a network include:

Resource Sharing: Networks allow resources such as printers, files, and databases to be shared among multiple users. This reduces costs and increases efficiency.

Communication: Networks enable users to communicate with each other through messaging, email, and video conferencing, regardless of their physical location.

Scalability: Networks can be easily scaled to accommodate additional users or devices, making them ideal for growing businesses.

Backup and Recovery: Networks can be configured to automatically backup and recover data, ensuring that valuable information is not lost in case of a disaster.

Security: Networks can be secured with passwords, firewalls, and other security measures to protect against unauthorized access.

Some popular types of networks include Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs), and Wireless Networks (WLANs).

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