Eminem's Daughter Lainey Is All Grown Up | Famous News

4 years ago

Eminem's Daughter Lainey Is All Grown Up | Famous News
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Anybody who is a fan of Eminem is familiar with the family members that are constantly the subject of his music such as his ex-wife Kim and his daughter Haley

But what the casual fan may not be aware of is that Eminem also has a second daughter named Alaina, he’s mentioned her as Lainey in songs such as mockingbird.

People seem to have a very keen interest on the daughters of Eminem as we wouldn’t hear or see much of them other than in Eminem's music but now they are grown up, we know Hailey Jade but who is Alina?

Alina or Lainey as styled in Eminem's music is actually his niece, her mother is Eminem's ex-wife Kims sister Dawn

Laineys mother dawn struggled with drug addiction and wasn’t able to take care of her child so she and her sister Whitney were adopted by Eminem

She is now 27 years old and lives a wholesome life with her dogs and boyfriend,

Eminem has always publicly shown his love to his daughters calling the three of them, Hailey Laney and Whitney, his quote biggest accomplishment

And that’s from a guy who has Oscars Grammys and diamond plaques so I think it's safe to say Eminem is proud of his daughters

#Eminem #Lainey #FamousNews #EminemsDaughter #WhereAreTheyNow

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