Abram to Abraham - What is a Name? Cutting the Eternal Covenant

1 year ago

Join me as we explore Gen. 12-17 (known as Parashat Lech Lecha). This portion of Scripture begins with Abram given a spoken command to go to a different land, and it ends with his name being changed to Abraham after he exercises both faith and obedience. This portion of Moses covers the history of Abraham's life from the time he is 75 years old to when he is 99.

We will look carefully at the covenant that was cut in Genesis 15. This covenant is the central topic of not only this study, but also of end times prophecy. This covenant explains *why* the Most High is so angry with the United States, Europe, the UK, Israel, and all modern nations. This prophetic covenant reveals to us the mystery of why judgment must take place on the seed of Abraham, which includes both literal and spiritual descendants.

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