Noah - Corruption, The Flood, and Return of the Nephilim (seed of satan)

1 year ago

Today we are going to be looking through a variety of fascinating topics from Genesis 6:9 through Genesis 11. Before we do, I want to briefly touch on the financial crash of US bank SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) that began unfolding on Thursday, March 9th, which was the next day after the High Holy Day of Unleavened Bread (1st Day). As we observe the Holy Days of Yehovah, it is important to pay attention to the signs around us in order to clearly see the direction that the world is heading towards. First, financial crashes. Then, war.

Inside of today's portion from Moses, we will also discuss the controversial prophecy of Genesis 9:27 and Japeth dwelling in the tents of Shem. We will also look at Peleg and the division of the land along with the strange incident of Ham uncovering Noah's nakedness resulting in Canaan being cursed. Get ready!

Link to the study cited: "The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish"

Zerohedge article:

Reuters article:

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