3/18/2023 Quantum Stellar Initiative (QSI) #2 Interview with StellarRussia (Russian Military)

1 year ago

May 2022 QSI had our first call with Ben from StellarRussia and discussed hot topics such as:

- Confirming domains like indus.exchange, induspayments.com, and swisscustody.org (and several others)
- Project Odin, global election rigging and subsequent arrests
- Confirmation of the 7 Kingdoms structure
- Russia’s return to their 1945 USSR borders where he mentioned that “Once the Ukrainian mission is complete, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, and other free Balkan countries rejoin Russia, we will see the first Ruble babymoon”

Today’s call comes at a crucial time when Russia is in the midst of what I believe is an illusory war with Ukraine, Moldova, and Transnistria while President Putin is busy building strategic alliances with known and future BRICST nations. (In fact China President Xi Jing Pin is visiting Moscow this Monday and the rumor is that they will be signing important bilateral documents on this trip)

Today we will be discussing an array of topics broken down into 3 main categories: War Updates, Currencies and the Upcoming Revaluation, and finally Stellar Assets

Questions will cover QSI recent FAQs such as: updates on SGB & RBI, Project Aurora, Bretton Woods 3 and the revaluation of metals and commodities, the war in Ukraine/Moldova/Transnistria, updates on various project bonus payments, etc

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRsUFvC9x-tnH_rhXQLuEEowZXtfw-Ih3yZDmbgSNF-Qi9_Q1DQ7gkfD8BBlULCSg/pub

Interview #1:

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