Daily Devotion Matters 1 Timothy 4:12-16

1 year ago

Daily Devotion Matters 1 Timothy 4:12-16

Journey Church is a Bible Teaching Church in Westerville. Ohio.
Pastor Chris completed his undergraduate work in Christian Religion, then went on to a Masters of Divinity and was Ordained to preach and teach in the local Church.

Each study in this series stands alone.
If you are encouraged by one passage, please continue to study with us at: JourneyWesterville.org


Notes: Scriptures & Examples Mentioned in this Study.

5 Things to be consistent in, from 1 Timothy 4:12-16

1. Example. V12
1. Speech.
Eph 4:15
Eph 5:4
2. Conduct.
3. Love.
4. Faith.
5. Purity.
1 Peter 1:15-16

2. Attention. V13
1. Reading. God's Word.
2. Exhortation. From God's Word.
3. Teaching. God's Word.
Romans 15:4
Luke 24:27 (Road to Emmaus)
3. Gift. V14
Gift's Given By the Lord.
1. Holy Spirit. (To Believers)
2. Faith.
3. Forgive(ness).
4. Church/Monistry.
5. Heaven/Eternal Life.

4. Practice. V14
Progress: Military term for, marching forward. Gaining Ground.

5. Personal. V16
1. Your Life. HOW YOU LIVE.

Consistency leads to...

2 Timothy 2:15
15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.

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