The DragonShip With RP Thor #40 ‘Accountability No One Has it’!

1 year ago

The DragonShip With RP Thor #40 ‘Accountability No One Has it’!
Glenn Lawrence Grabs the Helm of The DragonShip discusses with the crew ‘Accountability” why does not a single person truly has true accountability for their language and behaviors? We have entered an entitled world of modern society where it is “Do as I say Not as I do”! Or as it has been said in feudal times of old “Laws for Thee, Not For Me”
So, arm yourself with the experience of these successful men with real-world Impact, and willing to put themselves out there for your benefit.
Climb aboard for a timely discussion on The DragonShip! “Where a Rising Tide Lifts all Ships” We are that Tide!

“Vikings Raise the Shield Wall”!

With; RP Thor, Phil Foster, Glenn Laurence, Randall Johnston, Raith Deantior, Paul from Come On Man Podcast.

Questions and comments are welcome.

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